Thursday, June 2, 2022

Environmental and Ecological Engineerings' Impact on Land & Water

Hello, and welcome to my first action project for the first unit, "Oceans" of my S.T.E.A.M core class, "Frontiers". In this unit, we learned about the animal and plant ecosystems and foodwebs underwater, the layers of the ocean and Earth, and the ways the ocean has been discovered and destroyed over time since the 1900s. We watched a movie called "Becoming Cousteau", which was about a French explorer and sailor. He ended up helping oil companies unintentionally pollute the oceans due to the discovery of fossil fuels and crude oils underwater. For our field experiences, we visited Phil at Urban Rivers to explore ways he and his organization are playing a role in maintaining the health of underwater ecosystems through ecological engineering through floating docks and plant islands to stretch a mile on the Chicago River. From this field experience, I was able to further research different threats to bodies of water and different ways of restoration of water ecosystems. For this action project, I was challenged to write a research paper based on a challenge that the ocean faces. I choose to focus on physical and chemical pollution impact the ocean and how can environmental and ecological engineering can help solve the issue. During the process of drafting and finalizing this research paper, I felt that this project was very important to approach because the planet Earth we call home is dying and we need to step up very soon before this planet becomes even more uninhabitable. I hope you enjoy my project below and thank you for visiting my blog!

Environmental and Ecological Engineerings' Impact on Land & Water

How can environmental engineering be implemented into water ecosystems to help clean and filter dead zones as well as reduce the amount of physical and chemical pollution in our bodies of water globally?

Most people on Earth don’t realize how valuable and detrimental the health of the oceans and land on Earth is to our daily survival and health.  The ocean itself produces between 50-80% of the oxygen on Earth. “The world’s oceans cover three-quarters of the Earth containing 97% of the Earth’s water. They currently absorb about a third of the carbon dioxide that is produced by human activities such as air pollution from burning fossil fuels and chemical pollution from fertilizers and pesticides from farming. Carbon dioxide from human activity gets released into the atmosphere, dissolves into oceans, and creates carbonic acid also known as “ocean acidification”. Ocean acidification causes disastrous effects on underwater life and their ecosystems. As ocean acidification continues to worsen, dead zones start to be created in the ocean begin to rise in temperature and areas become uninhabitable for any living organism underwater. We call these areas, “dead zones”. Another major problem associated with pollution is physical waste pollution in our oceans. “There are increasingly high levels of man-made pollution in many of the world’s seas and little actually disappears. By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans.” - Future Agenda

So, what exactly are dead zones you ask? According to Sarah Preheim at John Hopkins University, “Dead zones are caused primarily by excess nutrients that run off the land from fertilizers or wastewater overflow. The nutrients trigger blooms of algae that spread across the water's surface before sinking and decomposing in the water. As hungry microbes feast on the organic matter, they consume oxygen, resulting in less oxygen in the water.” Bodies of water are made up of layers determined by temperature. Dead zones can exist in all bodies of water no matter the layer of the ocean which means underwater life is on the brink of extinction if we continue to pollute our oceans and land. 

Physical pollution has been getting worse than ever in human history. From oil spills in the ocean to offshore island landfills of physical waste such as “unwanted” clothes, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans. Oil spills horrifically impact sea life and disrupt ecosystems. According to the World Economic Forum, “In the immediate aftermath of an oil disaster, the effects on fish, sea birds, and other marine animals are often very visible. Coated in oil, animals can be killed by poisoning or suffocation. Those living close to or on the surface, like sea birds and otters, or those who come to the surface to breathe or feed, like whales, dolphins, and turtles, can be among those most affected.” As far as ecosystems being disrupted, oil affects food sources for sealife by making it less available or of very poor quality so animals that survive the initial environmental hazards may still suffer for long periods of time after an oil spill. “Oil impacts breeding and reproduction, for example contaminating bird or turtle nests on shore, affecting viability, and suffocating unhatched chicks. Females affected by oil may lay eggs with thinner shells, more prone to breaking.”

Here is a visual that represents how potential oil spills will impact the sea turtle’s life cycle. 

This visual relates to my research through oil spills being a form of physical and chemical pollution that directly impacts the ocean and land later on.

Here is a visual of how much plastic is in our oceans as of 2021.

This visual represents the relation of plastic pollution to the oceans. This relates to my research because it provides context to physical pollution equally negatively has been impacting our oceans as much as chemical pollution from events such as oil spills.

What is an ecological and environmental engineering and how can it contribute to helping reduce chemical and physical pollution? First I must give context to the words “environment” and “ecology”. The environment refers to the interaction between the physical, chemical, and biological components. Ecology is the study of the relationship between organisms and their environment. Environmental issues include pollution, deforestation, global warming, and other broader issues. When engineering intersects with the environment and ecology, developments, instruments, and technologies are created with impacts on nature in mind. According to Nature, “Building with maximum efficiency and minimal materials is increasingly urgent in our resource-strapped times. Many of today's structural engineers and designers are looking to natural forms and materials as the tried-and-tested guide. Today's engineering is too full of 'tree-trunk' buildings: underdesigned and over the whole planet. Astonishingly, the materials used in every three buildings designed in this lazy way could make at least four buildings — and with intelligence, even six.” Ocean engineering is a prime example of ecological engineering. According to MIT, “Ocean engineers are discovering new ways to use acoustics to reveal vital facts about the interior ocean and the behavior of undersea life. 

We are also developing floats, robots, tethered devices, and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that can survey the ocean while communicating with one another and with computer models.”  Urban River’s “Wild Mile” is a prime example of environmental engineering. The Wild Mile is the first-ever mile-long floating eco-park in the world. Through reclamation of the North branch canal and turning basin, referred to as “Wild Mile Chicago,” gives the opportunity to create accessible public open space for the community and new plantlife floating islands for wildlife inhabiting Chicago’s river to inhabit. 

Our world is pretty much coming to an end due to the lack of solutions being provided by authorities of countries around the world to combat climate change. Even though a lot of federal governments and state governments aren’t specifically targeting climate change and pollution, many companies and organizations are. Throughout my Frontiers class,  I was able to meet with Phil Nicodemus from Urban Rivers, an organization that focuses to transform city rivers into Urban Wildlife Sanctuaries; and Kevin Kerrigan, a Restoration Ecologist at Lake Forest Open Lands organization. Some things that stuck with me the most from our discussion with Phil are that in urban environments, cities are responsible for most of the carbon sinks in local water sources and the destruction of ecosystems that already existed before the on-shore developments such as condominiums and high-rise buildings, at the end of the day, nature will reinvent itself to grow around and over manmade structures. As Urban Rivers works to build urban wildlife sanctuaries along bodies of water such as lakes and rivers, an innovation of theirs is a robot created to help combat physical waste pollution in the Chicago River. It’s called “Trashbot”. According to Urban Rivers, “First, we tried cleaning it up by hand. Every other day someone would kayak out to the habitat to remove garbage, but that was not enough. Trash appeared at random times and in large quantities. Sometimes we would remove every piece of trash in the morning and by the afternoon more had reappeared. So, we created at Trash Task Force and went to the drawing board – this project could have never gotten to the level of sophistication that it is at today without the hard work of our task force. Our team prototyped a remote-controlled boat that was capable of herding trash to a safe location where it could then be removed. This proved not only effective...but very entertaining.”  In an interview with Kevin Kerrigan, he had reflected on how he had been experimenting over the last 10 years with very “low tech” charcoal logs ( well burnt 3+ foot logs) across drain ways and channels in hopes of capturing all sorts of environmental toxins and pollutants. He has noticed some minor changes such as clearer water and a small increase in plant life around the waterways throughout the marsh.

To conclude my research, ecological and environmental engineering must be implemented into our on and offshore ecosystems in order to help filter dead zones and reduce the physical and chemical pollution in our bodies of water globally or we won’t have an Earth to call home for any much longer. We should not plan on leaving these life-changing issues up to the next generations and youth to be responsible for solving them with little to no support. We should rather approach these issues together regardless of ethnicity, class, gender, and age. I chose this topic to research because I always wanted to learn more about ecosystems on and offshore. My biggest challenge throughout this research has been understanding the differences and similarities between ecological engineering and environmental engineering. After understanding the relationship between ecological and environmental engineering, I was able to identify various examples of both types of engineering taking place in our world. The topic of pollution and climate change is imperative to our lifestyles and health as humans on Earth. We need to continue developing solutions to help the naturally Earth replenish itself and efficiently clean our environments on and offshore to ensure the life and longevity of the human race and the planet Earth.

Works Cited:

Admin. “Important Difference between Environment and Ecology.” BYJUS, BYJU’S, 28 Jan. 2020, 

“Ecologist Sarah Preheim on Dead Zones, Algae Blooms, and Working on the Chesapeake Bay | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.” Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 24 June 2021, 

Edmond, Charlotte. “How Do Oil Spills Affect the Environment?” World Economic Forum, 12 Oct. 2021,,malnourished%20or%20poisoned%20over%20time.

McCarthy, Niall. “Infographic: Plastic Items Dominate Ocean Garbage.” Statista Infographics, Statista, 11 June 2021, 

“Plastic Oceans - Future Agenda.” Future Agenda, 18 Mar. 2019,,three%20quarters%20of%20the%20Earth. 

Urban. “Urban Rivers.” Urban Rivers, 2014, 

This visual represents the relation of plastic pollution to the oceans. This relates to my research because it provides context to how negatively physical pollution has been impacting our oceans.

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