Monday, May 9, 2022

Life Passions and Health Balance

Hello, and welcome to my blog. This post reflects my first action project for my Humanities core class, “Endurance”. Throughout this class so far, we have learned about the holocaust and visited the Illinois Holocaust Museum in Skokie, IL. We watched a movie called “Schindler's List” which is based on a list of people who were bought to be freed from concentration camps. We also read the book "Night", which was written by a holocaust survivor. The biggest takeaway from our studies of the holocaust was the different things people endured throughout the holocaust. For this action project, we were assigned to brainstorm an activity we endure up to or complete in 12 hours. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Welcome to my Endurance Journey, throughout the video below you will see me either doing some sort of physical activity or making art. The purpose of my endurance project is to balance my endurance between my passions of physical activities such as skateboarding and playing basketball that benefit my physical well-being; and creating artworks through printmaking, drawing, and painting which benefit my emotional and mental well-being. I chose this because the last 2 years of high school have been the toughest on my overall health. I lost two close friends and classmates at the start of my senior year, I was struggling with continuing school because of my family issues outside of school, and I truly struggled to retain the academic material taught to me throughout this pandemic. These are a few major reasons upon more on why I depend so much on my passions as coping mechanisms and therapy from the pain I continue to endure throughout my life. Through these passions themselves, I endure doubt, fear, and struggle to improve my talents physically and artistically.


 In conclusion, this endurance project was pretty difficult for me. I have been struggling with managing my time for a while and I will continue to work on balancing my time for making art and exercising consistently. Something that I learned from this journey is that I need to be more kind to myself in order to get through the hard stages of the things I do. I am my worst enemy when it comes to failure and not meeting my own and others' expectations of me. Since I will be attending an art school for college, I'll have time and space to create as much artwork as possible. Now I just need to figure out my schedule for exercising either through gym workouts, basketball, or skateboarding. 

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