Friday, March 11, 2022

Tinkering in DigiFab

Hello, and welcome to my blog. This post reflects my time in the "Digital Fabrication" workshop. In this class, we learned about online programs and software like TinkerCad, Easel, Vectr, to create different designs and structures, learn to use a 3D printer, a Carvey machine, Silhouette vinyl cutter, and a laser cutter machine. Wrapping up the winter term, I decided to use TinkerCad to digitally design my personal art character "High-Top", use a Silhouette cameo vinyl cutter to make a QR-code connected to my Instagram account and the Inventables' Easel program design my carve out of a logo for my Social Entrepreneurship class project. Here is a portfolio of my digital design results below. Thank you for visiting!

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