Saturday, March 12, 2022

Kiy's Tech Repair

 Hello, and welcome to my second and final action project for the second unit of my S.T.E.A.M core class, "Social Entrepreneurship". In this unit, we learned about how to plan and start a social enterprise. A social enterprise is a business with specific social objectives that serve its primary purpose. Through this process, we researched the types of legal structures of businesses and the ways they're taxed differently, where they get their funding, and what are goals of a business are. Next, we started to talk about the mission and vision statements of our social enterprises. For our field experiences, we had the opportunities to speak to Felicia Winiecki who is the strategic engagement officer and the head of fundraising at our school, Ian MacKaye who is the owner/ founder of Discord Records, and visited the neighborhood schools program (NSP) at the University of Chicago. All our field experience guests are all entrepreneurs. For this action project, I was assigned to create my own social enterprise. I decided to create a tech repair shop for my social enterprise. I was influenced by the startup story of the company Joe'sGE to start my tech repair shop social enterprise. During the process of drafting and finalizing this social enterprise, I felt that this project was pretty straightforward when coming up with a business idea. When it came to properly creating the structure I felt somewhat overwhelmed. I hope you enjoy my project below and thank you for visiting my blog!

Kiy's Tech Repair (KTR)

How many of you love technology? Everyone, I assume. Now, who loves it when their phone screen cracks or laptop battery needs to be replaced and there aren’t any repair shops in your area? How about when you find a repair shop, the cost of the repair is out of your budget? 

The correct answer is that nobody likes to deal with those inconveniences. Many people can relate to cracking their phone screen and not being able to afford the repair for it. At Kiy’s Tech Repair (KTR) we value the devices you

 love and use so much that we make device repair services as affordable as possible.

In conclusion to my presentation, I hope that I can pursue this business venture while I'm in college next fall.  I enjoyed creating this social enterprise because it would do so much good in the community that I grew up in. I love exploring the possibilities in the tech industry through tinkering and technical engineering.

Works Cited:
First, Kids. “Kids First Chicago.” Kids First Chicago, 2014,

Lynch, Matthew. “Why Should We Invest in STEM Education? - the Tech Edvocate.” The Tech Edvocate, 22 Feb. 2017, education/#:~:text=STEM%20programs%20inspire%20children%2C%20boost,%2C%20engineers%2C%20and%20computer%20programmers.&text=STEM%20affects%20everything%20that%20we%20do%20as%20citizens%20of%20the%20modern%20world..

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