In the first unit of my Humanities course class, "Stories", focused on the concepts of descriptive writing such as adjectives, adverbs, metaphors, similes, and imagery. We studied the importance of figurative language and practiced writing stories figurative language. We had to describe settings using adverbs and adjectives. In addition, we read different etiologies, which are the creation myths of the Earth. We studied how reading a story with figurative language engages a reading more than reader listening to a story. For this action project, we were instructed to create our own etiology about anything. Our etiology had to incorporate descriptive and figurative language and be clear to the readers. The parts of this action project that I am most proud of are my edited photograph of a hand swooping down from the skies, during an important event in the story, and my creative story itself. I put a lot of effort into this story so I hope you enjoy my etiology of cooking and clothing.
The picture below represents a hand sprinkling resources from the sky. Upside down, this picture represents the hand of a demi-god snapping their fingers which brings color and imagination to the island.
N.L. "Snap of a Goddess." 2019 |
N.L. "Hand of Nas/Dre".2019 |
Boom! Splat! Woosh! Siszz! These spooking exciting sounds came to the ears of mankind like a splash of Oceania washing the shores of beaches. After Xonos and Ursia created our planet, the world was devoid of colors throughout the lands. Xonos’s named means stranger, as in he was a stranger to the land he created beside Ursia. The name Ursia comes from a family of moths called Notodontidae. Xonos is a minotaur who fiercely stands 30 meters tall. Ursia has been seen once in all existence of mankind. She’s described as a fairy goddess with the face of a blossom of roses and the body of an enormous butterfly with moth wings. Our sizzling land was filled with an oppressive hierarchy of people for the past centuries. Our people looked different from each other. No family was the same skin color or shared the exact same characteristics. Our great Elder Wise passes the legends and prophecy of our land to its young. She loves to go on with her storytelling and spew out questionable acts of different gods such as Xonos and Ursia. What interests me the most is the prophecy of their two children. “The Mighty Ones”, Nas and Dre are destined to return to their antecedents created homeland for mortals. They are to provide mysterious resources from the unknown,” once said Elder Wise. Many people here wish for resources that boost their statuses such as riches and wealth. I myself dream of things that change the perspectives of people on this land. Resources such as knowledge beyond our world, realm, and universe. Heck, our even existence. “Stories” such as this one have been told for centuries throughout out so many generations. Elder wise knows about the 5 inner realms; Ereth, Synoth, Haewz, Sahdar, and Nikjau. “Ereth is the realm of our planet. Sahdar is the realm of unknown creatures that could be anything from colossal giants to microscopic insects that breath fire like demons. Synoth is the realm of sound named after the sound of music within nature. The realms of Haewz and Nikjau are unknown, yet they haven’t been discovered by man through prophecy, legend, or miracle. But they are said to be the realms of “The Mighty Ones”. Our people lived simple lives. We are farmers, landlords, tax collectors, traders, priests, students, and children.
Some of us aren’t like all the other sheep among the herd. We, the mind-blowing artists, create many works from natural resources such as rocks, grass, trees, and water. We discovered the colores red, orange, and green from nature on our planet. We wanted to adjust common things to be more appealing to the eyes of man. At first, we all lived without a worry for taste until the Night of the Black Moon. During this night, my friends Ezra, Amarowa, and Benji and I snuck out from our homes. We closely watch the Black Moon and the blistering sparkles vividly glow from the stars in space. As we stargazed, a hand reached out from between the Black Moon and clouds. Nas, the descendant half-blood god of trends and style, struck our world with an explosion of colors and life throughout the land. Nas’s fist pounded our island like a mountain erupting from beneath us. Nas was only one of the “Mighty Ones” destined to come back to our island. As soon as Nas snapped his fingers, every piece of clothing lit on fire with eye candy. You could see the flavor of his craft within different colors of every thread. Our clothes before were boring colors such as beige and khaki, but now that changed. Benji’s sandals became the oceans’ waves, Amarowa’s dress transformed into a glossy sunflower, Ezra’s hair and shorts merged into the stars and glowing sky, and my headscarf had turned into angel wings. Galactic stars and hues of light shined bright throughout the pitch-black atmosphere. Right then and there I and my friends slept into the breeze of the night.
The next morning, we all woke up in our beds with no idea how we got there. As breakfast was being prepared Ezra noticed a fisherman out on the water ready to caught lunch. In our village, our usual meals are either loaves of bread, rice, fish, fruits or water. As the fisherman was drinking water from her pouch, a hand from above our stars graciously swooped down onto the shore of the ocean. A humongous oval-shaped stick flew into the palm of their right hand. A gigantic bowl rose from the ocean made of diamond crystals. “I am Dre, the mightest of all”, a voice shouted through the wind. Dre’s head levitated from his body as if he was decapitated. His hand right hand started stirred the stick around in the submerged bowl. Ezra hurried outside without care of fear to watch Dre. Our eyes glistened as Dre sprinkled mystical ingredients and seasonings from a portal that shot out his eye on his forehead. “I bless you all with this porridge, it will open your third eye,” said Dre. The population of the island gathered around and watched him mix and swiftly stir things into the bowl.
Dre stood in shock as he stopped stirring the humongous bowl. Smack! He clapped his hands against the bowl which shattered it into a hundred thousand pieces. Every shattered piece of the bowl became a dish for everyone on the shore filled to the brim with a mushy oaty substance. “Porridge, this is the food from that legend,” said Amarowa with excitement. Everyone, including myself, stood confused as Amarowa and Wise jumped with joy. Elder Wise and Amaraowa explained, “This food will strengthen our minds with knowledge and creativity. It will allow us to find the Gods within ourselves.” Elder Wise walked further towards the ocean as she was stuck in a daze. Dre handed her a giant book that shrunk in her hands so humans could obtain what was within. She proclaimed that this book would provide the prophecy for the future and generations of their people to come. Benji finished the porridge with a single slurp while everyone else enjoyed the tastes and feelings in their mouths. An inferno of savory fats made our mouths water. Elegance from the half-blood god was expected nevertheless. Dre smiled down on his parents’ creations and then returned to the sky from which he came.