Wednesday, February 20, 2019

United States and Venezuela Oil Production

Hello, my name is N.L. I am a freshman at GCE Lab School. This action project is for my STEAM course "Fuel". In this class, we have been learning about energy and energy density, renewable and nonrenewable resources, slope, and the elements of the periodic table. A field experience guest speaker named Christa from Nicor Gas company talked to us about what her company does, many different and interesting energy resources, and how important carbon emissions are. For this action project, I made a slide show showing oil production between two different countries by using slope or rate of change.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Awareness Podcast

Hello my name is N.L. I am a freshman at GCE Lab School. This is my first action project for my Humanities course called "Who Am I?"In this class for our first unit of Truths and Memories, we have been learning about many Greek philosophers including Socrates, Descartes, Plato, and Anaxagoras. We also researched the many philosophers and their influences to their thinking and their philosophy. We've had an guest speaker named Katie Moody come in and talk to us about her work in dog training. She explained how behaviorism is demonstrated through the basic training of teaching a dog to sit or go near a certain place. She discussed the many different techniques people use to train not only dogs but people and other animals. I hope you enjoy this podcast.

Podcast Script

Awareness, yes it is an important principle in survival, but what does awareness truly mean when broken down. Awareness to the world and to our lives. Hi, I am N.L., a freshman in high school. I have come to the realization that some people are not aware of much going on. Not only in their lives, but also in the lives of other people. I want to prevent misunderstanding of awareness and teach the truth of awareness. I believe the ideologies and importance of self-confidence, success, and heritage. I value contributions toward positively impacting my society and neighborhood. I seek truth and knowledge.

I believe that "awareness" or "being aware" is a principle of survival in life. When I say awareness, I mean being truly aware. Being aware of your surroundings, the people around you, issues, conflicts and problems of all people. Not being scared of everything by watching everything around you but recognizing the presence of other people, the risks of specific actions, and the consideration of others and their feelings. Awareness is introduced in our lives through conflicts and trauma. You experience conflict or trauma which awakens a skill which can be mastered over time. Awareness can be an utmost important undervalued skill for non-privileged people. And an overlooked, underrated, and slept on skill to privileged people. Now obviously looking down at your phone while walking through a busy city only makes you aware of what is on your device's screen. But walking around a busy place while looking around makes you aware of many more things that are on your device's screen.

Based on this belief of awareness and being aware, I have not always believed in this "ideology". My childhood innocence factors in with not being aware but as I have grown and am growing, every day I have become more and more aware of many things. Based on this belief of awareness and being aware I realized that there are many scenarios that can relate back to awareness. This experience contributes to my belief of awareness. I was taking the CTA Red and Purple Line trains to get to my art school. While on the Red Line train I noticed these three kids about my age, one younger and another may be a little bit older than me. I heard them plotting on stealing someone's phone and one of them even pointed at the person they were going to steal from. I interfered in them stealing one innocent woman's phone by telling them that her phone was not the iPhone X the group of boys thought or portrayed it to be. Two boys scolded the boy who pointed at the woman for not being able to tell an android from an iPhone. They proceeded to exit the train car to another. As I transferred to the Purple Line train, the same group of boys were on the same train as me. Crazy right. I knew they were up to no good once more. I sat further away from them compared to how close I sat by the when I was on the Red Line train. As soon as the train came to a stop, I looked up and it happened. One of the boys had snatched a woman's phone right out of her hands ripping her earbuds from her ear. The boys ran off the train luring the woman and her friends to go after them but at the same time making an escape by returning to a different train car as the doors closed. At the next stop, I got off and went to my destination. Another experience that happened on the same day was when I was coming home from art school. I saw my train had just got to the station so I ran to catch it. When I jumped down those last stairs to get to the train doors, there were three women walking behind each other, all of them face down into their smartphones. I had to bump into them in order to get their attention and to fully get into the train car. This experience made me fed up at the time with how people look at my generation as always on our phones when adults walk around with their faces sunk into their devices. These truths of not walking around blind but seeing deeply and not addressing a problem but looking deeper than noticing a problem or issue contribute to my belief of awareness. My belief of awareness connects to the ideas of Descartes because the two elements of self-awareness, the awareness that one is thinking and awareness that one exists played key role in Descartes' epistemological project. Another philosopher who had a philosophy of awareness is Franz Brentano. The Brentanian theory was called "Awareness of Awareness." According to this theory, "all conscious experience is in a certain fundamental sense "self-intimating"; all conscious awareness constitutively involves awareness of that very awareness."

My belief in awareness implies that I am a very thoughtful and cautious person. Awareness has influenced me into making the right decisions in my life and to also look out for others. This belief relates to my culture and me as an individual because being a young teen and an African American in the United States' society. This means that I will always have a target on my back. That is where awareness comes in. Growing up with these targets on my people's identities make people different from us feel superior to us. My people's cultural unconscious is still very real in our lives today. We really had no other choice but to be aware due to all the pain and suffering we have gone through in this country.

I have come to finalization of my concluding thought that awareness can become something you do unconsciously. I also wonder how does the belief of awareness relate to our collective unconscious starting from early human existence and throughout different times. How have we inherited this "principle" or factor in our lives? The group of three young African American males who took that white woman's phone were aware of almost everything around them. The woman who was sitting with her two friends while on her phone and listening to music was not aware of the boys' actions until her phone was snatched out of her hands. We all have the thought process that, "nothing will happen to us", but we also believe that anything is possible supporting the thought " anything will and can happen." That is why awareness is very important.
End of Podcast Script


"Awareness of Awareness: The Brentanian Theory." The Brains Blog, 31 Jan. 2017,

Smith, Joel. “Self-Consciousness (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).” Stanford.Edu, 1 Jan. 2017,